Friday, March 29, 2013

What's the time?

Здравейте дивачета. Тази седмица блога ми и аз имаме удоволствието да ви представим гостуващ автор. Според него самият, той е нов в това поприще и все още срамежлив. Не се колебайте да оставяте своите коментари, но ви моля предварително ако критикувате, то да бъдат градивни критики. И все пак нека да посрещнем топло нашия гост автор с псевдоним "AlphazonE"

In life we always want to do what ever we want to do, but in reality things are a „little“ bit different. Many say that life is like a game and no matter how much we win, lose or have injures, its worthy enough. Players are saying  „You play as much as your opponent allows you“ and  this saying is at its full force in life. It doesen't matter if we are favorites or outsiders, emerging victorius depends on experience, and experience is based mostly on bad fails and hard, sweaty trainings, so we must „keep walking“ forward.Most important is that pain reminds us that we are alive.
      There is time in life when one beautiful, sunny morning we wake up and look at the mirror while brushing our teeth and  realize that time forgives none. That's right you saw wrinkels started to shown and saying „good morning sleepy, best reagards by the time“. For many that day has come, for others not, but believe it will come :)
    For me that day arrived not long ago. It was a very special morning the day after my birthday 25th of age and that's a fact. Special about this day is not because of the date, but because the day before I let away from my heart  a very close  person. A person that 8th moths of triеs to „shoo“  finaly did their job.  I felt FREE my body and soul- awesome feeling. I guess there are some persons that we can never forget, no matter how much time we have shared, it is never enough. Or it's very hard to break the emotional  chain knitted by heart. „Open“ minded I realized that I should cherish little things that life serves, and to be strong enough to let go, because if its not for me it won't be for me.
     I`ve been studiyng Navigation for three years, and knowing that the most important question is „where  am I?“ not „where  am I going?“ Proved by experience. Maybe my biggest mistake is that I am always fighting with the water, but you need to trust the water and let your body calm to swim. Another shame... The morning hasn't  yawn yet but so many emotional slaps for me, even the coffee was finished. Suddenly I heard a clock alarm to rang but for me that alarm said „ the time is quarter to do“ ...
Well if fame lasts 15 minutes, definitely experience lasts forever!
      Now, I can say every day is more colorеd when  paying attention on what surrounds me. I can't see behind the skyline anyway. Maybe the secret of happiness is to enjoy the moment  and share the  happines. Аs you sow so shall you reap -bulgarian saying :)

By : "AlphazonE" 


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